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The effectiveness of pulsating magnetic field therapy is based on the healing effect on the electric fields surrounding each joint. Furthermore, it is assumed that the metabolism is increased and that blood circulation is stimulated. This therapy can be used especially in the conservative treatment of osteoarthrose.
Bei chronischen Beschwerden der Lendenwirbelsäule und bei Arthrosen der Kniegelenke, die, wenn der Schmerz ärztlich dokumentiert seit mindestens 6 Monaten besteht, kann die Behandlung zulasten Ihrer Versicherung erfolgen.
The injection of hyaluronic acid has a protective effect on the existing cartilage. This is achieved by an improved gliding ability and optimized buffering of the joint. In addition, the preparation inhibits the release of cartilage-damaging enzymes and leads to a positive change in the joint fluid.
Shock wave therapy is used to treat the calcific shoulder, the tennis elbow, the heel spur, Achilles tendon complaints, poorly healing bone fractures and the runner's and jumper's knee. It can also be used in trigger point treatment for back pain and piriformis syndrome. An impulse is repeatedly activated locally at the pain point. There are no side effects.
Behind this lies the concept of individual health services. These are medically useful and established therapeutic measures, which are often not covered by the statutory health insurance funds. Therefore these services are charged to the patient. This includes so-called shock wave therapy, extension treatment, magnetic field therapy as well as treatment with hyaluronic acid, holistic acupuncture treatment and some naturopathic therapies.
The practice in Flörsheim is located on the ground floor and can be reached barrier-free. The practices in Hofheim and Hattersheim each have an elevator.
Unser operatives Spektrum wird von den Kollegen Dres. Lehnert, Gronemeier, Zeuner und Schneider abgedeckt.
Durch unser Ärzteteam kann die endoprothetische Versorgung von Knie- und Hüftgelenken erfolgen. Mittels minimalinvasiver arthroskopischer Verfahren können wir die Engpasssyndrome und Reizzustände der Schultergelenke und die Schleimhaut- und Meniscusschäden der Kniegelenke operativ versorgen. Zudem decken wir große Bereiche der Handchirurgie, wie die Karpaltunnel- und Ringbandspaltung und die operative Versorgung des M. Dupuytren ab. Im unfallchirurgischen Bereich kann durch uns die Entfernung der einliegenden Metallimplantate erfolgen.
Am Standort Flörsheim werden unserer Patienten von den Kolleg/innen Dres. Gronemeier, Hecker, Kremer und Schneider behandelt. In Hofheim werden Sie von Dr. Kuprian und Dr. Scholz betreut. In der Praxis Hattersheim arbeiten Dr. Lehnert und Dr. Scholz. Hiervon abweichend gibt es von Dr. Gronemeier und Schneider tageweise Sprechstunden in Hofheim. Dr. Gronemeier ist zudem auch in Hattersheim tätig.
For the opening hours of the respective practice, please refer to the information on our homepage.
The colleagues in the Flörsheim practice are entitled to further treatment of these accidents. At all three locations emergency first aid for school and work accidents may take place.
At the Hofheim and Hattersheim sites, patients of statutory and private health insurance companies are treated. At the Flörsheim site, we are also allowed to treat patients who have injuries dependent to work, school and the way to it. In all practices the initial treatment of these injuries may take place.
Free parking is available at all locations in the immediate vicinity of the doctors' practices. At the Hofheim location you can also use the multi-storey car park at the railway station.