Depending on your personal requirements and wishes, we can treat orthopaedic and accident surgery diseases conservatively and surgically.
For this purpose, our experienced surgeons as well as our specialists in the fields of pain therapy, chiropractic therapy, sports medicine, magnetic field therapy, shock wave therapy, and alternative therapy procedures such as acupuncture, naturopathy, and the like are available to you at every location. We will be happy to advise you about alternative therapy procedures in a personal consultation.
- Acupuncture
- Arthrose Therapie
- Behandlungen im BG- lichen Heilverfahren in Flörsheim
- Chirotherapy
- Erstbehandlung von Schul.- und Arbeitsunfällen an allen 3 Standorten
- Extensionstherapie
- Hochenergie Lasertherapie
- Infiltration treatment
- Conservative / Non-surgical therapy
- Magnetic field therapy
- Surgical Therapy
- Osteoporose Therapie
- Pain therapy
- Shock wave therapy
Attending doctors

Dr. med. Michael Schneider
Specialist for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
Flörsheim, Hofheim and Hattersheim