Detecting and treating movement pain: orthopaedics.
Usually diseases of our spine or joints are painful and interfere with our movements. This raises the question: How can we help our patients best?
A careful examination is the indispensable basis. The human body is a complicated system. Muscles, tendons, fasciae and joints are not to be considered separately, they are team players in the interaction of the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms such as pain, restricted movement or loss of function may not even be perceived where the physical dysfunction lies.
At the beginning of our treatment, the localization of the cause of the complaint is in the center. If it is possible to localise the disease exactly, it can be treated purposefully. Thanks to our broad expertise, we have a wide range of medical procedures at our disposal. We treat at our sites in Flörsheim, Hattersheim and Hofheim.
Trauma surgery
Accidents during sports, at work and in the household cause damage to the musculoskeletal system. Careful diagnostics and therapy according to guidelines are necessary to ensure that these do not lead to permanent restrictions or permanent damage.
Thanks to our specialist expertise, we are in a position to provide initial treatment for occupational accidents at all 3 sites. If further BG treatment should be necessary, we have a medical clearance at the Flörsheim site. This allows us to treat occupational accidents on a long-term basis.

Sorts of therapy
Depending on your personal requirements and wishes, we can treat orthopaedic and accident surgery diseases conservatively and surgically.

Special services
In addition to the services of the statutory health insurance, we offer you a wide range of special services (so-called "individual health services").

For athletes
One focus of our practice is the care of athletes in case of injury, but also in case of overstrain-related diseases of tendons, joints and muscles.

For children and teenagers
Special skills are required for the treatment of children and adolescents.

For employers' liability insurance associations
The treatment of occupational accidents requires high claims on specialists.

Manual medicine, together with chiropractic therapy, is a medical school used for the treatment of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system
Outpatient and inpatient: Custom-made operations.
As experienced orthopaedists and trauma surgeons as well as hand surgeons and general surgeons with many years of experience, we always weigh up non-operative and operative treatment methods. If an operation cannot be avoided, modern diagnostics and innovative surgical techniques today offer the possibility of significantly improving the quality of life of our patients through precise surgery.
Durch unsere Belegärztliche sowie Honorarärztliche Tätigkeit im Rotkreuz Krankenhaus Frankfurt sowie durch unsere Kooperation mit dem ambulanten OP Zentrum in Hofheim können wir neben kleineren ambulanten Eingriffen auch zahlreiche schwierigere Eingriffe unter komfortablen ambulanten und stationären Bedingungen anbieten.

Hip and knee implantation
The implantation of hip and knee endoprostheses has become one of the most standardized surgical procedures.

Forefoot surgery
Our foot surgeons will find an individual solution for all foot problems that require surgical treatment.

Arthroscopic Surgery
The arthroscopic treatment of knees and shoulder joints has become an integral part of orthopaedics.

Shoulder surgery
Whether it is a tightness under the acromion, a dislocation of the shoulder or a rupture of muscles in the shoulder, the interaction of many factors is necessary for the shoulder.

Hand surgery
The hands, like hardly any other parts of the human musculoskeletal system, are extremely important organs of the body.

Implant removals
After an operative treatment of a bone fracture, a plate of screws or wires often remains.
Pain therapy
Schmerztherapie im Zentrum für Orthopädie Rhein-Main.
Das schmerztherapeutische Angebot unserer Praxis beinhaltet die Behandlung von Patienten mit akuten und chronischen Schmerzen. Chronische Schmerzen bedeuten, dass seit mehreren Monaten Schmerzen bestehen, die ständig vorhanden sind oder sehr häufig wiederkehren und die Betroffenen körperlich, psychisch oder im sozialen Miteinander beeinträchtigen und letztlich zu einer deutlich eingeschränkten Lebensqualität führen.
Ziel einer schmerztherapeutischen Behandlung ist nicht nur die Reduktion der Schmerzen, sondern auch die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und die Veränderung des Schmerzerlebens. Folgende Schmerzformen werden in unsere Praxis behandelt:

Schmerzen des Bewegungsapparates und der Muskulatur (Nacken-, Rücken- , Kreuz- und Gelenkschmerzen)

Neuropathische Schmerzen

Alle Formen von Kopfschmerzen



Schmerzen bei Durchblutungsstörungen

Schmerzen bei Herpes Zoster