Specialist for Orthopaedics
One should offer something good to the body, so that the soul feels like living in it.
Winston Churchill
- Chirotherapy
- Sports medicine
- Special pain therapy
- Acupuncture
- Psychosomatic primary care
Flörsheim, Hofheim and Hattersheim
Focal points
- arthroscopic knee joint operations
- Paediatric orthopaedics (sonography infant hips, scolioses etc.)
- Pain therapy of spinal diseases
- Sports medicine care
- outpatient surgeries
- Osteoporosis management
Curriculum vitae
- since 2003
Doctor at the Center of Orthopaedics and Naturopathy Rhein Main - Outpatient surgery at the Hofheim Day Clinic
- General practitioner at the district hospital Groß-Gerau:
outpatient and inpatient operations, conservative special inpatient pain therapy - 2002
Doctorate (Dr. med.): "Operative treatment results of spondylolytic spondylolisthesis after dorsoventral spondylodesis". - 1996-2002
Specialist training in orthopaedics at the Städtische Kliniken Frankfurt Höchst and surgical department at the German Clinic for Diagnostics (DKD) in Wiesbaden - 1990-1996
Study of human medicine at the University of Gießen