Programming to support self-healing.
Every organism is able to heal itself within limits, for example a smaller wound closes by the healing powers of our body alone. In this sense, homeopathy is also a regulatory therapy that awakens regulating, healing reactions within us.
Many plant, mineral or animal substances can act as homeopathic remedies - in hundredfold to millionfold dilution and defined shaking (called potentiation).
Samuel Hahnemann carried out research into a large number of the homeopathic remedies used today 250 years ago. He postulated the principle of similarity.
It says that a medicine can cure a certain symptomatology, which is caused in a similar way by this active ingredient in a healthy person. For example, in a healthy person, cinchona bark triggers exactly the symptoms that it is supposed to combat in the patient, as Mr. Hahnemann found out in a self-experiment.
In addition to the clinical diagnosis, all individual symptoms - including mood and general symptoms - are recorded in a detailed conversation, the so-called homeopathic anamnesis, in order to obtain as accurate a picture as possible of the patient in all facets. This takes about 1 hour and is usually not covered by statutory health insurance.