
Manual medicine, together with chiropractic therapy, is a medical school used for the treatment of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system vorliegen.

Manual therapy or chiropractic therapy is a broad field with increasing importance. The reasons for this are obvious:

We are getting older and older, we lead an unhealthy lifestyle and are also under increasing professional strain.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are one of the major challenges facing medicine today in the 21st century. In particular, the increasing chronification requires a differentiated manual Diagnostic and Therapy. Durch stetige Weiterbildung und Schulung entwickeln wir unsere manuellen Fähigkeiten fortlaufend weiter. Auch osteopathische Verfahren finden Anwendung.

Typical diseases

  • Blockades of the
    • Vertebral Column
    • ISG joint
    • Head joints
    • Ribs
    • Peripheral joint
  • Malfunctions of the
    • Shoulder
    • Gluteal muscles
    • Back musculature
    • Neck musculature
  • Osteopathic procedures
    • Muscle energy techniques
    • Myofascial Release Techniques
    • Counterstrain techniques
    • Cranio-sacral treatments

Attending doctors

Dr. med. Axel Kuprian

Specialist for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery


Dr. med. Uwe Gronemeier

Specialist for Orthopaedics

Flörsheim, Hofheim and Hattersheim

Dr. med. Harald Lehnert

Specialist for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery


Dr. med. Michael Schneider

Specialist for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery

Flörsheim, Hofheim and Hattersheim